singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer, poet...
Check out A Collection of Shakespeare Stuff by Tony Maude
A Collection of
Shakespeare Stuff - LIVE
An hours presentation from an album which challenges the perceived notion that Shakespeare is ‘damnably difficult’..... Many people admit they ‘struggle with Shakespeare’ and that he is ‘not for them’...
If this be where you stand, what you have found?
These twelve gems, with music, may change your mind
From the Battlements at Elsinore to the Summer’s Day of Sonnet 18, from the camp fires before Agincourt to Shakespeare’s consolatory words on death: ’Fear no more the heat of the sun’ in Cymbeline... Shakespeare’s poetry and storytelling genius are made wholly accessible.Using traditional and classical instuments with some percussion and natural sounds,Tony’s arrangements are enticingly atmospheric, taking the listener directly into Shakespeare’s world.